Improved SEO

With the digital media becoming accessible to a larger audience over time, catching the attention of its users and retaining it has become more of a challenge. Today, the idea has matured to a degree where you are expected to follow certain ways to make your content popular enough. There is a surplus of content on the Internet today, so businesses must also look at context. People don’t search to search, they search to find. The most important thing a business can do to gain visibility is to provide the right content at the right time that answers the question of the user but engages them in the process. There are many things to consider and work with to ensure your online content reaches the maximum amount of people.
6 Important Tips for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Improving Organic SEO Ranking
1. Optimizing with Google RankBrain
Google introduced this new algorithm by the name of RankBrain which is Google’s first machine learning algorithm. Measuring the interaction of the first page Google ranks your page. It is a rather different idea but it is popularizing at a fast pace. So the question arises to optimize according to RankBrain. The minor suggestions that are working for this are:
- Improving your organic (CTR) click-through-rate: you need to make the title and description keyword specific. Think like your user and come up with a similar tone in your title and description.
- Improving your ‘Dwell Time’: as the name suggests it is the time a user spends on your website. This needs your page to have an impactful, to the point, start with the content divided into sizeable chunks which makes it look easier to read but engages them in being on your webpage longer.

Another way to ensure search engine optimization is focusing on the actual content being written. Choose your words, their tone, and their arrangement carefully ensuring that it catches your user’s attention and retains it. Also, with in-depth content, Google analyzes if the topic is comprehensively discussed on the page so the user gets all s/he needs at one place.
To ensure in-depth content here are a few necessary ways to proceed:
- Shift from keywords to content
- Topic-based content
- Track your content’s ROI
3. Stepping Up Your Keyword Game
Keywords have always played an important role in search engine optimized writing, but the times when stuffing an article with keywords are long gone. Today, you are expected to use keywords, but in a smart way. Keeping a check on the prominence, density, and frequency of the keywords is the key to the success of your content getting optimized.
What is the best tool to help you out?
In this case, the answer lies in the Google Keyword Tool. Open it up and feed it some of the keywords you need to target and it will come up with suggestions for you. It suggests your keywords based on the user’s search on Google. Hence, your keyword suggestions also become more targeted in this way.
Alongside these, you can just build up a keyword library for yourself. Create a spreadsheet for putting together your keyword library. Search up different tools, such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find brand new words to add to your library. This way you can access your library at any time of need and get the job done quicker and in a more efficient manner. Also, remember to keep your library updated for better results!
4. Writing Compelling Meta Descriptions and Unique Title Tags
These are the first things that the user would come across related to your page. It is more like the first impression you make on your audience. So choose your words wisely and come up with an effective description for your page that goes in accordance with your reader. Also, a catchy phrase or words for the title will seal the deal for you!

5. Prepare for the Google’s Mobile-First Indexing
With new times research is not entirely about the desktop. Increasing use of phones has shifted some of the traffic to mobile users as well. Thus, with Google’s Mobile-First Index will now evaluate your mobile site first and then shift to the desktop version. Since the indexing of both these gadgets is different it must be dealt with in a smart way. Take the following necessary steps:
- Check all the dynamic elements
- Check load times and page speeds
- Check whether the site is mobile-friendly or mobile-responsive
- Check if mobile and desktop versions are same – switch from m. to responsive design
- Remove hover elements
- Say no to Flash – use Java or HTML5
- No pop-ups
6. Embed Videos
Videos are the most interactive version of content and embedding them into your content will surely boost up your traffic online. The videos help put you ahead of the competition with the following:
- Add value to your content
- Host it to your own domain for maximum traffic
- Create interactive content
- Create relevant metadata
With changing times the online traffic has evolved a lot. The above-mentioned steps are some vital ways to make sure you get the maximum possible traffic and rank among the top websites online!
Having a website is worthless if there is no traffic or visibility. Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing are necessary components to a comprehensive online marketing strategy. If you’d like to discuss your business with a professional, we offer free consultation services. Please email us at
Dean, Brian. BACKLINKO. 23 May 2018., Tereza. “12 video SEO tips to help improve your search rankings.” 24 August 2016. Search Engine Watch .
Patel, Nell. “A Step-by-Step Guide to Leveraging Google’s Mobile-First Index.” n.d. NeilPatel . 21 July 2018.
Tarcomnicu, Felix. “SEO best practices — 17 tips to seriously improve SEO.” 16 March 2015. Medium .
Taylor, Karen. “3 Foundation-Strengthening SEO Best Practices for 2018.” 2 January 2018. Kuno Creative
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